Matt FUREY says
A good way to determine how focused you are on achieving a goal can be done via the 'skin-fold' test - but not the kind used for measuring percentages of bodyfat. The 'skin-fold' test I am talking about is not really about your epidermis. It's more of an internal condition that is commonly referred to as 'thick skin.'
All successful people have 'thick skin.' By this I mean they have more immunity to criticism than others. They are able to block the negativity of others and stay focused on the task at hand. Whenever a person sets out to accomplish something great, rest assured he or she will be met with criticism. Often times the criticism is severe.
What's the anti-dote?First, stay focused on what you believe in. The faith that you alone have in your purpose may be enough to move mountains.
Second, keep in mind that the criticism will eventuallypass. When you succeed, you'll be amazed at how many people jump on board to celebrate, including those who tried to derail you.
Third, take time each day to relive previous experiences of happiness and peace of mind. Think about the things you've already accomplished. Put them in your Theatre of The Mind and use them as the rocket fuel you need to keep zigging and zagging toward your predetermined destination.
So Determine your self and Dzine your own life.
ALL the very best!!!