Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How Self-Hypnosis Works

Using a mild form of hypnosis, sending messages to your subconscious mind is a powerful tool for rewriting your thinking, beliefs, and even behavioiur

Have you ever wondered how self-hypnosis really works? You've probably heard about how you can change your mindset and build greater self-confidence, stronger willpower and self-discipline, quit smoking, lose weight and overcome fear through the application of self-hypnosis.

But isn't hypnosis something which you have to be trained and certified in just to perform on someone else? How can you actually make it work for you? Believe it or not, self-hypnosis is really a lot easier than it sounds, and you're about to learn how you can use it to get the results you want in your life...

How Thomas Edison Used Self-Hypnosis

Performing self-hypnosis is as simple as being able to move yourself into a state of mind which is similar to what you feel between dreaming and sleeping. In this state of mind, the conscious mind is relaxed and your thoughts are able to flow freely to and from the subconscious.

In other words, the things which you meditate on reach your subconscious mind faster when you're in a trance like state and therefore have a stronger impact on your subconscious. But it's also a lot easier to "hear" the thoughts of your subconscious during a trance like state because the noise of the conscious mind is off.

The famous inventor Thomas Edison used this state to input ideas into his subconscious about inventions that he was working on. At the same time, the hypnotic state allowed him to freely hear responses from his subconscious mind. How did he do this? He would simply lay back in his favorite chair and allow himself to "doze off" while holding two metal balls in his left
hand and keeping them suspended over a metal bowl on the floor.

As soon as he would begin to fall asleep, his hand would relax and the clanging of the metal would awaken him again. This would allow him to drop into a fully relaxed and hypnotic state without falling to sleep. It was during these trance sessions that he developed the amazing creative imagination that led to some of his innovations and business ideas.

So how can you do the same to train your mind in getting what you want?

Influencing Yourself in the Hypnotic State

Before influencing yourself in the hypnotic state, you actually have to find a way to get there and to
stay in that state without falling asleep. You can use Thomas Edison's method if you can't think of
anything else. It might also help to listen to some trance music or sounds which relax both your mind and body. Once you're in this state, you pick a few simple things to meditate on such as affirmations or even the answers to questions that you're seeking.

For example, if you want to build a mindset which will make you more confident, you can use the
meditation: "Every day, I'm becoming more confident, certain and self-reliant", and a few other
affirmations of that nature. Just remember to keep it simple and to focus on one type of affirmation at a time instead of trying to affirm your desire to achieve your ideal weight, become smoke free, achieve healthy relationships, and become more decisive all at once. Too many types of affirmations can overload your mind and keep you from dropping in to a completely relaxed state.

In addition, use the trance like state to draw information from your subconscious mind. Too often,
we only give our subconscious commands, but don't take advantage of the amazing creative power which it offers. So during your self-hypnosis sessions, take the time to ask your subconscious questions and see what kinds of wisdom and answers lie within... chances are that you'll be astounded.

TIP: This will take practice and the first week or so might seem unproductive because you can't
achieve full trance state. But like any other thing worth doing, it takes consistent effort to master
self-hypnosis. Get started today, and in one month you'll be ten times more effective than you are
right now.

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